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Getting Started

The main function of rgfrosh is to solve the conservation equations across an incident and reflected shock in a shock tube. rgfrosh does not itself perform any calculations to evaluate the thermodynamic properties of the gas; therefore, an interface to an external set of thermodynamics routines is required. The following are currently supported:

For more detailed information and examples see the thermodynamic interfaces page.

Experiment Analysis

The primary use case of rgfrosh is using the FrozenShock class can to calculate shock conditions for an experiment from the initial conditions and measured shock velocity. For example, using Cantera's built-in carbon dioxide EOS:

from rgfrosh import FrozenShock
import cantera as ct

shock = FrozenShock(ct.CarbonDioxide(), u1=1000, P1=101325)  # (1)!

print(f"T2 = {shock.T2:.1f} K, P2 = {shock.P2 / 101325:.2f} atm")
print(f"T5 = {shock.T5:.1f} K, P5 = {shock.P5 / 101325:.2f} atm")
  1. If not given, T1 is 300 by default.

which outputs the following incident and reflected shock conditions:

T2 = 774.8 K, P2 = 15.82 atm
T5 = 1225.1 K, P5 = 113.33 atm

The IdealShock class implements the exact same constructor pattern, except it requires the positional arguments gamma and MW instead of a ThermoInterface object. Therefore, the same calculation would look like:

from rgfrosh import IdealShock

shock = IdealShock(1.29, 44, u1=1000, P1=101325)  # Carbon Dioxide

print(f"T2 = {shock.T2:.1f} K, P2 = {shock.P2 / 101325:.2f} atm")
print(f"T5 = {shock.T5:.1f} K, P5 = {shock.P5 / 101325:.2f} atm")

which outputs:

T2 = 873.2 K, P2 = 15.28 atm
T5 = 1559.5 K, P5 = 99.03 atm

Comparison with the frozen shock solution for the same example demonstrates the unsuitability of the ideal shock equations for certain conditions.

Experiment Planning

The other use case of rgfrosh is to plan experiments by calculating the required initial conditions for target reflected shock conditions:

from rgfrosh import FrozenShock
import cantera as ct

shock = FrozenShock(ct.CarbonDioxide(), T5=1100, P5=200e5, T1=295)

print(f"P1 = {shock.P1 / 133.322:.0f} torr, u1 = {shock.u1:.1f} m/s")

which outputs the required fill pressure and incident shock velocity:

P1 = 1640 torr, u1 = 920.9 m/s