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This is the reference for the Supercritical CO₂ Energy Storage (sCO₂ES) package (sco2es). The solvers are written entirely in Python, using Numba wherever possible for just-in-time (JIT) compilation and parallelization to maximize performance.

By default, sco2es.PackedBed uses CoolProp to calculate the properties of CO2 and assumes that the solid particles are made of alumina, for which empirical correlations are used to calculate relevant properties. To use a material other than alumina, create a class matching the protocol sco2es.SolidPropsInterface and set the sco2es.PackedBed.solid attribute.


The model was intended for use with sCO2 as the heat transfer fluid. The sco2es.PackedBed.fluid attribute can be set to any CoolProp.AbstractState object, but the code has not been tested with any other fluid.

Copyright © 2024 UCFRF, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Bases: Exception

Exception raised when a model assumption is not met.


Bases: Exception

Exception raised when the charge/discharge stopping criterion is not met within the allowable time.


Bases: Protocol

Protocol class defining the required interface for updating temperature-dependent solid properties for the PackedBed model.


  • T

    Temperature [K].

internal_energy(T) abstractmethod staticmethod

Internal energy, \(e\) [J/kg].

internal_energy_linear_coeffs(T) abstractmethod staticmethod

Coefficients, \(\alpha_1\) [J/kg⋅K] and \(\alpha_2\) [J/kg], for the linearized expression of internal energy:

\[ e(T) = \alpha_1 T + \alpha_2 \]

thermal_conductivity(T) abstractmethod staticmethod

Thermal conductivity, \(k\) [W/m⋅K].

emissivity(T) abstractmethod staticmethod

Emissivity, \(E\) [-].


Bases: SolidPropsInterface

An implementation of experimental correlations for alumina's relevant properties.

internal_energy(T) staticmethod

Internal energy of alumina 1,2.

  1. K. K. Kelley, "Contributions to the data on theoretical metallurgy, XIII. High-temperature heat-content, heat-capacity, and entropy data for the elements and inorganic compounds," in Bulletin 584 Bureau of Mines, 1960. 

  2. F. Battisti, L. de Araujo Passos, and A. da Silva, “Performance mapping of packed-bed thermal energy storage systems for concentrating solar-powered plants using supercritical carbon dioxide,” Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 183, p. 116032, 2021. 

internal_energy_linear_coeffs(T) staticmethod

Linearized internal energy coefficients of alumina 1,2.

  1. K. K. Kelley, "Contributions to the data on theoretical metallurgy, XIII. High-temperature heat-content, heat-capacity, and entropy data for the elements and inorganic compounds," in Bulletin 584 Bureau of Mines, 1960. 

  2. F. Battisti, L. de Araujo Passos, and A. da Silva, “Performance mapping of packed-bed thermal energy storage systems for concentrating solar-powered plants using supercritical carbon dioxide,” Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 183, p. 116032, 2021. 

thermal_conductivity(T) staticmethod

Thermal conductivity of alumina1.

  1. "AETG/UC San Diego," [Online]. Available: 

emissivity(T) staticmethod

Emissivity1 of alumina.

  1. M. E. Whitson Jr, "Handbook of the Infrared Optical Properties of Al2O3. Carbon, MGO and ZrO2. Volume 1," El Segundo/CA, 1975. 


An implementation of the packed bed thermal energy storage model described by Battisti et al.1.


  • Constant solid phase density
  • Constant wall thermal properties
  • Constant axial spacing
  • Constant diameter
  • Constant temperature exterior wall boundary condition

  1. F. Battisti, L. de Araujo Passos, and A. da Silva, “Performance mapping of packed-bed thermal energy storage systems for concentrating solar-powered plants using supercritical carbon dioxide,” Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 183, p. 116032, 2021. 


  • n

    Number of nodes in the axial direction.

  • m

    Number of wall or lid nodes in the radial or axial directions, respectively.

  • nodes

    Total number of nodes.

  • A_cs

    Cross-sectional area of the packed bed [m2].

  • V_node

    Volume of a packed bed node [m].

  • r_wall

    Radial positions of wall nodes from centerline [m].

  • r_bound

    Radial positions of wall cell boundaries from centerline [m].

  • z_top_lid

    Axial positions of top lid nodes from charging inlet in direction of flow [m].

  • z_bottom_lid

    Axial positions of bottom lid nodes from charging inlet in direction of flow [m].

  • V_wall

    Volume of the wall cells [m3].

  • A_wall_z

    Surface area of the wall cell boundary in the axial direction [m2].

  • A_wall_r

    Surface area of the wall cell boundary in the radial direction [m2].

fluid = CP.AbstractState('BICUBIC&HEOS', 'CO2') class-attribute instance-attribute

CoolProp.AbstractState object for accessing fluid properties. By default, CO2 properties are tabulated for the Helmholtz-based equation of state (HEOS) and bicubic interpolation is used for performance.

solid: SolidPropsInterface = Alumina class-attribute instance-attribute

SolidPropsInterface for calculating temperature-dependent properties of the solid phase.

max_iter: int = 100 class-attribute instance-attribute

Maximum number of iterations for the loop.

atol_T_f: float = 0.05 class-attribute instance-attribute

Absolute tolerance for fluid temperature [ºC].

atol_P: float = 0.1 class-attribute instance-attribute

Absolute tolerance for pressure [Pa].

atol_T_s: float = 0.05 class-attribute instance-attribute

Absolute tolerance for solid temperature [ºC].

rtol_T_wall: float = 0.0005 class-attribute instance-attribute

Relative tolerance for wall and lid temperatures.

rtol_i_f: float = 0.0001 class-attribute instance-attribute

Relative tolerance for fluid enthalpy.

rtol_rho_f: float = 0.001 class-attribute instance-attribute

Relative tolerance for fluid density.

rtol_m_dot: float = 0.001 class-attribute instance-attribute

Relative tolerance for mass flow rate.

rtol_h: float = 0.001 class-attribute instance-attribute

Relative tolerance for volumetric and wall heat transfer coefficients.

__init__(T_initial, P, L, D, d, eps, rho_s, T_env, t_wall, k_wall, rho_wall, cp_wall, *, n=100, n_wall=10)


  • T_initial (float) –

    Discharge temperature [K].

  • P (float) –

    Initial pressure [Pa].

  • L (float) –

    Domain length [m].

  • D (float) –

    Internal tank diameter [m].

  • d (float) –

    Particle diameter [m].

  • eps (float) –

    Void fraction.

  • rho_s (float) –

    Density of the solid [kg/m3].

  • T_env (float) –

    Temperature of the environment [K].

  • t_wall (ArrayLike) –

    Thickness of each wall layer [m].

  • k_wall (ArrayLike) –

    Thermal conductivity of each wall layer [W/m⋅K].

  • rho_wall (ArrayLike) –

    Density of each wall layer [kg/m3].

  • cp_wall (ArrayLike) –

    Specific heat capacity of each wall layer [J/kg⋅K].

  • n (int, default: 100 ) –

    Number of axial nodes.

  • n_wall (int | ArrayLike, default: 10 ) –

    Number of nodes for each wall layer.

time_index(s=0, *, m=0, h=0)

A function for retrieving the index of the simulation time step with the closest elapsed time to the given time.

advance(T_inlet, P_inlet, m_dot_inlet, t_max=12 * 60 * 60, *, T_outlet_stop=None, dt=10, discharge=False)

Advances the simulation until the charge/discharge stopping criterion is satisfied.


  • T_inlet (float) –

    Inlet fluid temperature [K].

  • P_inlet (float) –

    Pressure at the inlet [Pa].

  • m_dot_inlet (float) –

    Mass flow rate of the inlet stream [kg/s].

  • t_max (float, default: 12 * 60 * 60 ) –

    Maximum time advancement [s].

  • T_outlet_stop (float, default: None ) –

    Outlet fluid temperature [K] condition for stopping.

  • dt (float, default: 10 ) –

    Time step [s].

  • discharge (bool, default: False ) –

    Flag indicating that the system is discharging.


  • Time at which the charging/discharging stop criterion was satisfied.


  • ModelAssumptionError

    Raised if the Biot number exceeds the acceptable threshold (\(Bi > 0.1\)).

  • StopCriterionError

    Raised if the stop criterion are not met within the maximum allowed charging/discharging time (t_max).

step(T_inlet, P_inlet, m_dot_inlet, dt, *, discharge=False)

Calculates the state of the packed bed at the next time step using an iterative algorithm.


  • T_inlet (float) –

    Temperature of the inlet stream [K].

  • P_inlet (float) –

    Pressure at the inlet [Pa].

  • m_dot_inlet (float) –

    Mass flow rate of the inlet stream [kg/s].

  • dt

    Time step [s].

  • discharge (bool, default: False ) –

    Flag indicating that the system is discharging.


  • Number of iterations required for convergence.

solve_fluid_solid_bed(i_f_0, i_inlet, g, e_s_0, alpha1, alpha2, rho_f, rho_0, rho_s, P_intf, P_intf_0, m_dot, T_wall, T_lid_inlet, T_lid_outlet, k_eff, h_wall, h_v, A_wall, A_cs, V, eps, dz, dt) staticmethod

Solves for the fluid enthalpy and solid temperature for the next time step.


  • i_f_0

    Fluid enthalpy for the previous time step [J/kg].

  • i_inlet

    Fluid enthalpy at the inlet [J/kg].

  • g

    Fluid temperature-enthalpy coupling factor [K⋅kg/J].

  • e_s_0

    Solid internal energy for the previous time step [J/kg].

  • alpha1

    First linearized parameter for solid internal energy.

  • alpha2

    Second linearized parameter for solid internal energy.

  • rho_f

    Fluid density estimates for the next time step [kg/m3].

  • rho_0

    Fluid densities for the previous time step [kg/m3].

  • rho_s

    Density of the solid [kg/m3].

  • P_intf

    Pressure estimate at the interfaces for the next time step [Pa].

  • P_intf_0

    Pressure at the interfaces for the previous time step [Pa].

  • m_dot

    Mass flow rate estimate at node interfaces [kg/s].

  • T_wall

    Wall interface temperature [K].

  • T_lid_inlet

    Temperature of the lid at the inlet [K].

  • T_lid_outlet

    Temperature of the lid at the outlet [K].

  • k_eff

    Effective thermal conductivity [W/m⋅K]

  • h_wall

    Wall heat transfer coefficient [W/m2⋅K].

  • h_v

    Volumetric heat transfer coefficient [W/m3⋅K].

  • A_wall

    Surface area of the node wall boundary [m2].

  • A_cs

    Cross-sectional area [m2].

  • V

    Node volume [m3].

  • eps

    Void fraction [-].

  • dz

    Axial node spacing [m].

  • dt

    Time step [s].


  • i_f

    Fluid enthalpy for the next time step [J/kg].

  • T_s

    Solid temperature for the next time step [K].

solve_lid_temperature(T_lid, T_f, T_env, h_wall, k, rho, cp, z, V, A, dt, *, reverse=False) staticmethod

Solves for the lid temperature profile for the next time step. The boundary conditions are taken as:

  • Heat loss to environment by conduction at i=0
  • Heat loss to fluid by convection at i=m-1
  • Insulated at radial surfaces

The reverse keyword can be used to reverse the axial orientation of the boundary conditions.


  • T_lid

    Lid temperature for the previous time step [K].

  • T_f

    Fluid temperature estimate for the next time step at convection boundary [K].

  • T_env

    Environment temperature [K].

  • h_wall

    Wall heat transfer coefficient [W/m2⋅K].

  • k

    Thermal conductivity [W/m⋅K].

  • rho

    Density [kg/m3].

  • cp

    Specific heat capacity [J/kg⋅K].

  • z

    Axial positions of node centers [m].

  • V

    Node volumes [m3].

  • A

    Area of lid [m2].

  • dt

    Time step [s].

  • reverse

    Flag for reversing boundary conditions.

solve_wall_temperature(T_wall, T_f, T_env, h_wall, k, rho, cp, r, dr, dz, V, A_r, A_z, dt) staticmethod

Solves for the lid temperature profile for the next time step. The boundary conditions are taken as:

  • Heat loss to fluid by convection at j=0
  • Heat loss to environment by conduction at j=m-1
  • Insulated axially at i=0 and i=n-1

where the domain is discretized with n nodes in the axial direction and m in the radial direction, and the wall temperature T_wall has the shape (n, m).


  • T_wall

    Wall temperature for the previous time step [K].

  • T_f

    Fluid temperature estimate for the next time step [K].

  • T_env

    Environment temperature [K].

  • h_wall

    Wall heat transfer coefficient [W/m2⋅K].

  • k

    Thermal conductivity [W/m K].

  • rho

    Density [kg/m3].

  • cp

    Specific heat capacity [J/kg⋅K].

  • r

    Radial positions of node centers [m].

  • dr

    Radial node width [m].

  • dz

    Axial node spacing [m].

  • V

    Node volumes [m3].

  • A_r

    Area of node interfaces in the radial direction [m2].

  • A_z

    Area of node interfaces in the axial direction [m2].

  • dt

    Time step [s].

calculate_heat_transfer_coeffs(m_dot, T_f, k_f, cp_f, mu_f, k_s, E_s)

Calculates the relevant heat transfer coefficients for the packed bed.


  • m_dot

    Mass flow rate [kg/s].

  • T_f

    Temperature of the fluid [K].

  • k_f

    Thermal conductivity of the fluid [W/m⋅K].

  • cp_f

    Specific heat capacity of the fluid [J/kg⋅K].

  • mu_f

    Dynamic viscosity of the fluid [Pa⋅s].

  • k_s

    Thermal conductivity of the solid [W/m⋅K].

  • E_s

    Emissivity of the solid.


  • k_eff

    Effective thermal conductivity [W/m⋅K].

  • h_wall

    Wall heat transfer coefficient [W/m2⋅K].

  • h_v

    Volumetric heat transfer coefficient [W/m3⋅K].

calculate_fluid_enthalpy(T_f, P)

Returns the fluid mass-specific enthalpy at each node.


  • T_f

    Temperature [K].

  • P

    Pressure [Pa].

calculate_fluid_props(i_f, P)

Returns the fluid temperature, thermal conductivity, density, viscosity, and specific heat capacity at each node.


  • i_f

    Mass-specific enthalpy of the fluid [J/kg].

  • P

    Pressure [Pa].


  • T_f

    Temperature of the fluid [K].

  • k_f

    Thermal conductivity of the fluid [W/m⋅K].

  • rho_f

    Density of the fluid [kg/m3].

  • mu_f

    Dynamic viscosity of the fluid [Pa⋅s].

  • cp_f

    Specific heat capacity of the fluid [J/kg⋅K].

biot_number(h_v, d, eps, k_s) staticmethod

Calculates the biot number (\(Bi\)) for a packed bed1

\[ Bi = \frac{h_v d^2}{36(1 - \varepsilon) k_s} \]

  1. F. Battisti, L. de Araujo Passos, and A. da Silva, “Performance mapping of packed-bed thermal energy storage systems for concentrating solar-powered plants using supercritical carbon dioxide,” Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 183, p. 116032, 2021. 


  • h_v

    Volumetric heat transfer coefficient, \(h_v\) [W/m3⋅K].

  • d

    Particle diameter, \(d\) [m].

  • eps

    Void fraction, \(\varepsilon\).

  • k_s

    Thermal conductivity of the solid, \(k_s\) [W/m⋅K].

effective_film_thickness_ratio(k_f, k_s, eps) staticmethod

Calculates the ratio between the effective thickness of the fluid film adjacent to the surface of two solid particles and the particle diameter according to the interpolation of Kunii and Smith1 for \(0.260 \leq \varepsilon \leq 0.476\)

\[ \phi = \phi_2 + (\phi_1 - \phi_2) \frac{\varepsilon - 0.260}{0.216} \]


\[ \phi_i = \frac{1}{2} \frac{\left(\frac{\kappa-1}{\kappa}\right)^2 \sin^2{\theta_i}} {\ln\left[\kappa - (\kappa - 1)\cos{\theta_i}\right] - \left(\frac{\kappa - 1}{\kappa}\right) (1 - \cos{\theta_i)}} - \frac{2}{3\kappa} \]

where \(\kappa = k_s/k_f\) and the interpolation bounds are given by \(\sin^2 \theta_i = \frac{1}{n_i}\) for \(n_1 = 1.5\) and \(n_2 = 4\sqrt{3}\).

  1. D. Kunii and J. Smith, “Heat transfer characteristics of porous rocks,” AIChE Journal, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 71–78, 1960. 


  • k_s

    Thermal conductivity of the solid, \(k_s\) [W/m⋅K].

  • k_f

    Thermal conductivity of the fluid, \(k_f\) [W/m⋅K].

  • eps

    Void fraction, \(\varepsilon\).

void_radiative_heat_transfer_coeff(T, eps, E_s) staticmethod

Calculates the void-to-void radiative heat transfer coefficient for a packed bed given by the correlation of Yagi and Kunii1

\[ h_{rv} = \frac{0.1952}{1 + \frac{\varepsilon (1-E_s)}{2E_s (1-\varepsilon)}} \left(\frac{T}{100}\right)^3 \]

  1. S. Yagi and D. Kunii, “Studies on effective thermal conductivities in packed beds,” AIChE Journal, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 373–381, 1957. 


  • T

    Temperature, \(T\) [K].

  • eps

    Void fraction, \(\varepsilon\).

  • E_s

    Emissivity of the solid, \(E_s\).

surface_radiative_heat_transfer_coeff(T, E_s) staticmethod

Calculates the surface-to-surface radiative heat transfer coefficient for a packed bed given by the correlation of Yagi and Kunii1

\[ h_{rs} = \frac{0.1952E_s}{2-E_s} \left( \frac{T}{100}\right)^3 \]

  1. S. Yagi and D. Kunii, “Studies on effective thermal conductivities in packed beds,” AIChE Journal, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 373–381, 1957. 


  • T

    Temperature, \(T\) [K].

  • E_s

    Emissivity of the solid, \(E_s\).

effective_thermal_conductivity(k_f, k_s, eps, h_rv, h_rs, phi, d, *, beta=0.9) staticmethod

Approximates the effective thermal conductivity in a packed bed using the model of Kunii and Smith1

\[ k_{eff} = k_f \left[\varepsilon\left(1+\beta \frac{h_{r\nu}d}{k_f}\right) + \frac{\beta (1-\varepsilon}{\frac{1}{\frac{1}{\phi}+\frac{h_{rs}d}{k_f}} +\gamma\left(\frac{k_f}{k_s}\right)} \right] \]

  1. D. Kunii and J. Smith, “Heat transfer characteristics of porous rocks,” AIChE Journal, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 71–78, 1960. 


  • k_f

    Thermal conductivity of the fluid, \(k_f\) [W/m⋅K].

  • k_s

    Thermal conductivity of the solid, \(k_s\) [W/m⋅K].

  • eps

    Void fraction. \(\varepsilon\).

  • h_rv

    Void-to-void radiative heat transfer coefficient, \(h_{rv}\) [W/m2⋅K].

  • h_rs

    Surface-to-surface radiative heat transfer coefficient, \(h_{rs}\) [W/m2⋅K].

  • phi

    Effective film thickness ratio, \(\phi\).

  • d

    Solid particle diameter, \(d\) [m].

  • beta

    Ratio of the average length between the centers of two neighboring solids to the mean particle diameter, \(\beta = 0.9\) (default).

volumetric_convective_heat_transfer_coeff(m_dot, k_f, cp_f, eps, d, D) staticmethod

Calculates the volumetric convective heat transfer coefficient as the product of the convective heat transfer coefficient for a spherical particle and the ratio between the particles total heat transfer area and the total volume

\[ h_v = h_{part} \frac{6(1-\varepsilon)}{d} \]

The particle convective heat transfer coefficient is given by Pfeffer's correlation1

\[ h_{part} = 1.26 \left[\frac{1-(1-\varepsilon)^{5/3}}{W}\right]^{1/3} (c_{p_f} G)^{1/3} \left(\frac{k_f}{d}\right)^{2/3} \]

where \(W\) is given by

\[ W = 2-3(1-\varepsilon)^{1/3}+3(1-\varepsilon)^{5/3}-2(1-\varepsilon)^2 \]

and \(G\) is the effective mass flow rate per unit area given by

\[ G = \frac{4\dot{m}}{\varepsilon \pi D^2} \]

The lower limit of analytical heat transfer is given by

\[ h_{part} = \frac{2k_f}{d} \]

for a heated isothermal sphere in a quiescent fluid medium; therefore, the maximum of the two values is taken.

  1. R. Pfeffer, “Heat and mass transport in multiparticle systems,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 380–383, 1964. 


  • m_dot

    Mass flow rate [kg/s].

  • k_f

    Thermal conductivity of the fluid, \(k_f\) [W/m⋅K].

  • cp_f

    Specific heat capacity of the fluid, \(c_{p_f}\) [J/kg⋅K].

  • eps

    Void fraction, \(\varepsilon\).

  • d

    Particle diameter, \(d\) [m].

  • D

    Diameter [m].

conv_wall_heat_transfer_coeff(m_dot, k_f, cp_f, mu_f, d, D) staticmethod

Returns the convective heat transfer coefficient between the fluid and the wall

\[ h_{wall}^{cv} = \left( 2.58 Re_d^{1/3} Pr^{1/3} + 0.094 Re_d^{0.8} Pr^{0.4} \right) \frac{k_f}{d} \]

according to the correlation of Beek1. The Reynolds number \(Re_d\) is defined as

\[ Re_d = \frac{\rho_f u_0 d}{\mu_f} \]

where \(u_0\) is the superficial velocity, or the velocity if no particles were present, given by

\[ u_0 = \frac{\dot{m}}{\rho_f A} \]

The Prandtl number \(Pr\) is defined as

\[ Pr = \frac{{c_p}_f \mu_f}{k_f} \]

  1. J. Beek, “Design of packed catalytic reactors,” in Advances in Chemical Engineering, Elsevier, 1962, pp. 203–271. 


  • m_dot

    Mass flow rate, \(\dot{m}\) [kg/s].

  • k_f

    Thermal conductivity of the fluid, \(k_f\) [W/m⋅K].

  • cp_f

    Specific heat capacity of the fluid, \({c_p}_f\) [J/kg⋅K].

  • mu_f

    Dynamic viscosity of the fluid, \(\mu_f\) [Pa⋅s].

  • d

    Particle diameter, \(d\) [m].

  • D

    Diameter, \(D\) [m].

cond_rad_wall_heat_transfer_coeff(k_f, k_s, h_rv, h_rs, eps, d, phi) staticmethod

Calculates the conductive and radiative wall heat transfer coefficient according to Ofuchi and Kunii1

\[ h_{wall}^{cd,ra} = \frac{k_{eff}^{stag} k_{wall}^{stag}}{k_{eff}^{stag} - \frac{k_{wall}^{stag}}{2}} \]


\[ k_{eff}^{stag} = k_f \left[\varepsilon \left(1 + \frac{h_{rv}d}{k_f}\right) + \frac{1-\varepsilon}{\left(\frac{1}{\phi}+\frac{h_{rs}d}{k_f}\right)^{-1} + \frac{2}{3\kappa}}\right] \]


\[ k_{wall}^{stag} = k_f \left[\varepsilon_{wall} \left(2 + \frac{h_{rv}d}{k_f}\right) + \frac{1-\varepsilon_{wall}}{\left(\frac{1}{\phi_{wall}}+\frac{h_{rs}d}{k_f}\right)^{-1} + \frac{1}{3\kappa}}\right] \]

where the wall porosity, \(\varepsilon_{wall}\), is assumed to be \(0.4\) and \(\phi_{wall}\) is given by

\[ \phi_{wall} = \frac{1}{4} \frac{\left(\frac{\kappa-1}{\kappa}\right)^2}{\ln{\kappa} - \frac{\kappa-1}{\kappa}} - \frac{1}{3\kappa} \]

where \(\kappa = k_s/k_f\).

  1. K. Ofuchi and D. Kunii, “Heat-transfer characteristics of packed beds with stagnant fluids,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 749–757, 1965. 


  • k_f

    Thermal conductivity of the fluid, \(k_f\) [W/m⋅K].

  • k_s

    Thermal conductivity of the solid, \(k_s\) [W/m⋅K].

  • h_rv

    void-to-void radiative heat transfer coefficient, \(h_{rv}\) [W/m2⋅K].

  • h_rs

    Solid-to-solid radiative heat transfer coefficient, \(h_{rs}\) [W/m2⋅K].

  • eps

    Void fraction, \(\varepsilon\).

  • d

    Particle diameter, \(d\) [m].

  • phi

    Effective film thickness ratio, \(\phi\).

pressure_drop(dz, rho_f, mu_f, G, eps, d, *, psi=0.9, xi1=180, xi2=1.8) staticmethod

Calculates the pressure drop using the modified Ergun's equation1

\[ \Delta P = \frac{\Delta z G^2}{\rho_f d} \left[ \xi_1 \frac{(1-\epsilon)^2}{\epsilon^3 \psi^2} \frac{\mu_f}{Gd} + \xi_2 \frac{(1-\epsilon)}{\epsilon^3 \psi}\right] \]

  1. I. Macdonald, M. El-Sayed, K. Mow, and F. Dullien, “Flow through porous media-the Ergun equation revisited,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 199–208, 1979. 


  • dz

    Axial position step size, \(\Delta z\) [m].

  • rho_f

    Density of the fluid, \(\rho_f\) [kg/m3].

  • mu_f

    Dynamic viscosity of the fluid, \(\mu_f\) [Pa⋅s].

  • G

    Effective mass flow rate per unit cross-section, \(G\) [kg/m2⋅s].

  • eps

    Void fraction, \(\varepsilon\).

  • d

    Particle diameter, \(d\) [m].

  • psi

    Sphericity, \(\psi\).

  • xi1 (float, default: 180 ) –

    Viscous loss coefficient, \(\xi_1\).

  • xi2 (float, default: 1.8 ) –

    Inertial loss coefficient, \(\xi_2\).