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Bases: Protocol

Protocol class defining the required interface for updating temperature-dependent solid properties for the PackedBed model.

density: float instance-attribute

Density, \(\rho\) [kg/m3].

internal_energy abstractmethod staticmethod

Internal energy, \(e\) [J/kg].

internal_energy_linear_coeffs abstractmethod staticmethod

Coefficients, \(\alpha_1\) [J/kg⋅K] and \(\alpha_2\) [J/kg], for the linearized expression of internal energy:

\[ e(T) = \alpha_1 T + \alpha_2 \]

thermal_conductivity abstractmethod staticmethod

Thermal conductivity, \(k\) [W/m⋅K].

emissivity abstractmethod staticmethod

Emissivity, \(E\) [-].


Bases: SolidProperties

An implementation of experimental correlations for alumina's relevant properties.

density = 3950 class-attribute instance-attribute

Density of alumina [kg/m3].

internal_energy staticmethod

Internal energy of alumina 1,2.

  1. K. K. Kelley, "Contributions to the data on theoretical metallurgy, XIII. High-temperature heat-content, heat-capacity, and entropy data for the elements and inorganic compounds," in Bulletin 584 Bureau of Mines, 1960. 

  2. F. Battisti, L. de Araujo Passos, and A. da Silva, “Performance mapping of packed-bed thermal energy storage systems for concentrating solar-powered plants using supercritical carbon dioxide,” Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 183, p. 116032, 2021. 

internal_energy_linear_coeffs staticmethod

Linearized internal energy coefficients of alumina 1,2.

  1. K. K. Kelley, "Contributions to the data on theoretical metallurgy, XIII. High-temperature heat-content, heat-capacity, and entropy data for the elements and inorganic compounds," in Bulletin 584 Bureau of Mines, 1960. 

  2. F. Battisti, L. de Araujo Passos, and A. da Silva, “Performance mapping of packed-bed thermal energy storage systems for concentrating solar-powered plants using supercritical carbon dioxide,” Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 183, p. 116032, 2021. 

thermal_conductivity staticmethod

Thermal conductivity of alumina1.

  1. "AETG/UC San Diego," [Online]. Available: 

emissivity staticmethod

Emissivity1 of alumina.

  1. M. E. Whitson Jr, "Handbook of the Infrared Optical Properties of Al2O3. Carbon, MGO and ZrO2. Volume 1," El Segundo/CA, 1975.